Our equipment dedicated to multiphysical characterization address various needs, on an extended thermal range [-150°C ; +500°C / CTE : + 1500°C ] :
Material benchmark: characterization and comparison of physical properties (hardness, Young modulus, viscoelasticity, glass transition, CTE, outgassing, sorption/desorption…)
Digital simulation
: implementation in a FE model of mechanical / thermal properties
Process optimization : correlate the microstructure
of your parts to its thermal or mechanical performance
Failure analysis: highlight abnormal characteristics (differential dilatation, incomplete reticulation, local hardening)
We perform these multiphysical analyses on many kind of materials: polymers, eg potting (circuit board) or molding resin (components), PCB, tropicalization varnishes and also semiconductors, metal or ceramic parts.
Thermal analyses

CTE / Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (TMA or dilatometry)
Viscoelasticity / complex Young modulus E* (DMA)
Tg / Temperature of Glass transition (DSC)
Kinetic of reticulation (DSC)

Outgassing of volatile compound at ambient pressure (ATG)
Outgassing under thermal vacuum; ECSS-Q-70-02 protocol and criteria (TML, RML, WVR, CVCM)
Measurement of sorption / desorption (DVS)
Mechanical characterization of locale properties & thin film

Microtensile test on self-standing thin layers (~1µm thick) or submillimetric wires
Nanoindentation: Berkovich hardness + Young modulus
Static mechanical tests
Universal testing machine, at steady temperature [-80°C ; + 250°C] :

Uniaxial tensile test
3 points bending
Shear test
Option (flexible or complex samples): digital image stereo-correlation
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